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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

20 months 3 days

yesterday my little had a play day with a 6 year old girl that was... special. looking back over the day and comparing the two... my little monster is an angel. he listened to what i asked. he ate all his food with no fight, he only had one tantrum and that was cause his friend had to go home cause it was nigh night time
 As sad as it is some times you have to see what everyone else has to deal with to appreciate what you have. i want to set up another play date but honestly im worryed that he will start acting like her ( she is very ADHD as well as mostly blind) Is it wrong that I dont want her as an example for my little spounge child?? or should i let them play in hopes that the social building will out trump the bad behavior? What is a mom to do?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Toddler life thursday

When my monster was born I had to change how i lived my life ( well duh gorge), and i have some tips for you moms that love to look nice in the morning ( like your little is going to care).

1) set your alarm for 30 min to an hour before your little normally wakes.( about 9 to 12 hours after they have gone to sleep)

2)Pop in the shower ( time saver, if your going to be in jeans then skip the leg shaving, it can be your little secret)

3) skip the curlers and blow dryer. If you just bun or braid your hair up you can get the waves for later and it is out of the way, and then you don't have a mama ponytail

If your little beats you to the wake then you can clean up while they are eating there breakfast,( save the shower for nap or bed time.)

And in all honestly your kiddo is not going to notice if you have on make up,  and most people think there spouse looks better with minimal make up.  Like this blog mirror mirror off the wall. ( read day 152 for her groom-to-be's thoughts on less make up.

Sorry about yesterday. Ill post a full entery when its nap time and today is life with toddler thursday. So look for a full post in a few hours.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

19 months 28 days/ Laundry

I love that my monster wants to help me with my house work. He helps me vaccume, pick up his toys, sweep the porch, and is the best cheerleader for washing dishes. However when it comes to folding laundry it is a nightmare.
 Once he sees that launder basket he is determined to got it empty.  once empty he has to put it in piles. Oh and mama better not try to fold any of it or he will just toss them on the floor.
  I have found that my whole way of cleaning has changed. not only in the laundry, But to vaccume i have to make sure he is not giting in to things while im not looking * tip vacume while they are eating. Then they are in a safe place and occupied.

 I have even perfected the 2 min shower but that is for another day.

mornig hugs/no more ears

As soon as my lil monster wakes up he starts to yell to let me know he is up. Well today he yelled and then ran to meet me and gave me a great big hug.Now that is how you start a morning. 

Lol yesterday he figured out ( to my dismay) that he can cover his ears and yell really loud every one can still hear him.. For hours he ran the house screaming MAMAMAMAMAMAM LOOOOOOOOOKkKKKK with his hands over his ears.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fly pencils fly.

Lil monster he is has decided he wants to color. However when he reaches for the pencils he just grabs the whole thing and tosses it across the room. While i pick them up he tosses the color books. It is a never ending game to him.

From monster to monkey

Ok so I know my kid likes to climb , what kid doesn't, but it is now to the point of no return...

 So last night my monster and i were relaxing on the couch watching tv.  Well on the comercial I got up to go get a drink and appon my return my monster was laying on the BACK of the couch. Thats right, the back. I grumble at him to get down and even give him a hand. He sits nice for a min and then up he goes. Well Im thinking he wants to play so I start tickling him and blowing raspberries on his tummy. He pushes me away and up the couch he goes. Now he thinks gitting up there is a game.OH GEESH.

At least he has gave up his table diving.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

19 months 24 days/ the good monster

In this blog you will hear a lot of my grumblings about my little one. So i think once a day ill put something good or sweet he has done too.
Like so far today.... when i gave him his juice this morning with his oatmael ( lucky me no fight on that one) i got the most heart worming smile from him. To me it said i love you and thank you all in one. It is those moments that make being a mom survivable.  

I think im also going to give one post to the weekly fun fact to survive toddler life,
but more on that later

for now i have to go try to make the beds... and that will be a big feat. for those of you who dont have kids you may think oh its just a bed thats easy... not when you have a lil one that likes to play peekaboo in the sheet you just fixed. a 2min bed job turns into a 30 min game of wrestal the toddler out of the blankets.  wish me luck blog world... im going in.

mornig fights

the one thing i look  forward to every night is the 10 minits i might get before my monster wakes. b4 the battle of breakfast starts and the demand for his fav show or movie. then too have him watch for 2 min and start yelling for a diffrent one. then the race around the house to get him to put on his day cloths.

ya i like my 10 min morning coffee.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

19 months 23 days old

Although they say terrible twos the name is deceiving... the tantrums and fits can start any time. my lil monster ( bless him) has been giving fits for about 2 months now.  and some moms i know say there kids NEVER has the dredded twos stage.. to those moms.... congrats. to the rest of the world that doesnt have delousions that there kid was prefict welcome to the real world.

 the world were if you say no you can not have a popcicle b4 dinner resalts in a 10 min voical testing of your toddler valume.

today my little monster asked if he could watch his fav show on mamas computer while she was working on it.
i told him after mama was done he could. ( not what he wanted to here) his responce was 5  min of slaming his hands on the key bord and yelling" mam sid! mama 'oper y! mama elmo ! " when this did not yeald the answer he wanted he then began to toss all his toys acrost the room. To make matters worst it was nap time and he was not having it.

 I know many of you are asking why i let him just vent.. the answer is simple...A i do not reward his fits with attention then  he will see that is dosent get him what he wants... in theory it makes scene. when your toddler is on the floor kicking and screaming it is nerve racking. stay strong and dont give them the atention for nagitive behavior.

now i got to go. nap is over and it is his turn on the comp.

Who are we

As a first time mother im looking forward to all the milestones my son will hit.. all that is but the terrible twos.
so i have decided that what better way to learn how to handle it then by sharing the experiences  with  complete strangers. lol  no really i know there are other mommys out there that are dreading it too so this is to show all of you that you are not alone.

So to start off  I should tell you Who my lil monster is and who i an. We are the average family. Im a recently divorced single mom of a now 19 1/2 month old lil boy.  and this blog is the step by step adventure of my little monster trip into the twos.