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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

20 months 3 days

yesterday my little had a play day with a 6 year old girl that was... special. looking back over the day and comparing the two... my little monster is an angel. he listened to what i asked. he ate all his food with no fight, he only had one tantrum and that was cause his friend had to go home cause it was nigh night time
 As sad as it is some times you have to see what everyone else has to deal with to appreciate what you have. i want to set up another play date but honestly im worryed that he will start acting like her ( she is very ADHD as well as mostly blind) Is it wrong that I dont want her as an example for my little spounge child?? or should i let them play in hopes that the social building will out trump the bad behavior? What is a mom to do?

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