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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Toddler life thursday

When my monster was born I had to change how i lived my life ( well duh gorge), and i have some tips for you moms that love to look nice in the morning ( like your little is going to care).

1) set your alarm for 30 min to an hour before your little normally wakes.( about 9 to 12 hours after they have gone to sleep)

2)Pop in the shower ( time saver, if your going to be in jeans then skip the leg shaving, it can be your little secret)

3) skip the curlers and blow dryer. If you just bun or braid your hair up you can get the waves for later and it is out of the way, and then you don't have a mama ponytail

If your little beats you to the wake then you can clean up while they are eating there breakfast,( save the shower for nap or bed time.)

And in all honestly your kiddo is not going to notice if you have on make up,  and most people think there spouse looks better with minimal make up.  Like this blog mirror mirror off the wall. ( read day 152 for her groom-to-be's thoughts on less make up.

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