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Sunday, August 21, 2011

19 months 24 days/ the good monster

In this blog you will hear a lot of my grumblings about my little one. So i think once a day ill put something good or sweet he has done too.
Like so far today.... when i gave him his juice this morning with his oatmael ( lucky me no fight on that one) i got the most heart worming smile from him. To me it said i love you and thank you all in one. It is those moments that make being a mom survivable.  

I think im also going to give one post to the weekly fun fact to survive toddler life,
but more on that later

for now i have to go try to make the beds... and that will be a big feat. for those of you who dont have kids you may think oh its just a bed thats easy... not when you have a lil one that likes to play peekaboo in the sheet you just fixed. a 2min bed job turns into a 30 min game of wrestal the toddler out of the blankets.  wish me luck blog world... im going in.

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