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Saturday, August 20, 2011

19 months 23 days old

Although they say terrible twos the name is deceiving... the tantrums and fits can start any time. my lil monster ( bless him) has been giving fits for about 2 months now.  and some moms i know say there kids NEVER has the dredded twos stage.. to those moms.... congrats. to the rest of the world that doesnt have delousions that there kid was prefict welcome to the real world.

 the world were if you say no you can not have a popcicle b4 dinner resalts in a 10 min voical testing of your toddler valume.

today my little monster asked if he could watch his fav show on mamas computer while she was working on it.
i told him after mama was done he could. ( not what he wanted to here) his responce was 5  min of slaming his hands on the key bord and yelling" mam sid! mama 'oper y! mama elmo ! " when this did not yeald the answer he wanted he then began to toss all his toys acrost the room. To make matters worst it was nap time and he was not having it.

 I know many of you are asking why i let him just vent.. the answer is simple...A i do not reward his fits with attention then  he will see that is dosent get him what he wants... in theory it makes scene. when your toddler is on the floor kicking and screaming it is nerve racking. stay strong and dont give them the atention for nagitive behavior.

now i got to go. nap is over and it is his turn on the comp.

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