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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

19 months 28 days/ Laundry

I love that my monster wants to help me with my house work. He helps me vaccume, pick up his toys, sweep the porch, and is the best cheerleader for washing dishes. However when it comes to folding laundry it is a nightmare.
 Once he sees that launder basket he is determined to got it empty.  once empty he has to put it in piles. Oh and mama better not try to fold any of it or he will just toss them on the floor.
  I have found that my whole way of cleaning has changed. not only in the laundry, But to vaccume i have to make sure he is not giting in to things while im not looking * tip vacume while they are eating. Then they are in a safe place and occupied.

 I have even perfected the 2 min shower but that is for another day.

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